What is QEC?

Quantum Energy Coaching (QEC) is developed by Dr. Melanie Salmon, a medical doctor and Gestalt psychotherapist. QEC is a form of EMDR where we blend neuroscience and Quantum Energy Coaching (QEC) working at the level of the subconscious mind. This proven and effective method will free you from limiting belief systems, heal you from past trauma and change unwanted behavior patterns.


What is QEC?


A combination of powerful techniques designed to work with the subconscious mind. We use the neuroplasticity of the brain (its ability to rewire itself) to free you from limiting belief systems, heal from past trauma and change unwanted behavior patterns. 

QEC installed new beliefs at the level of the subconscious mind. New positive beliefs replace old limiting ones and life moves to a positive upward spiral of experience.


How does it work?


QEC works to align your subconscious mind with your conscious goals. Our concious mind operates 5% of the time at 4000bits/sec, our subconcious mind operates 100% of the time at 4 billion bits/sec. 

When we see a traditional talk therapist or counsellor, often we’re using our conscious mind in the hope of gaining an understanding that will facilitate change.

Our deeply held beliefs emanate from our subconscious. No matter how much we tell ourselves there’s nothing to fear about dogs, encountering one will trigger our fear, because we were bitten as a child. The subconscious mind will overpower our rational thinking, until we heal from the emotional scar left by the trauma of the attack.

Using the QEC method, we are able to change the belief systems and conditioning that no longer serve us. Using the neuroplasticity of the brain we can ‘rewire’ our neural pathways, freeing us from the limitations of our past.


What happens during a QEC session?


A QEC session is 60-90 minutes and starts with a dialogue. This simply means sharing your unique needs by sharing your story with the practitioner. Most commonly you’ll be asked to describe the issue or issues you are facing right now, those that are uppermost in your awareness. 

In each session after the issue is clarified you’ll start the QEC method. The client and the practitioner together create sentences to install for change. The session moves on to the installation part where these sentences are installed by combining breathing techniques, heart coherence and a gamma-brain wave state. This allows us to install new beliefs and only takes 20-30 seconds. In one session 10 new beliefs can be installed.


How many sessions will i need?


QEC is a relatively short therapy because it works at the subconscious level of mind, changing limiting beliefs and healing traumas. This is comparatively fast. It is suggested that an initial 4 sessions at weekly intervals are tried, with a review in the 4th session. Depending on the personal work QEC takes anything from 4-20 sessions.


Who can benefit from a QEC session?


Everyone can benefit from QEC. Some areas QEC can help you with are: 

  • Limiting beliefs
  • Negative thinking
  • Fears
  • Self-esteem, confidence and self-worth
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Unresolved trauma, adult and childhood
  • Relationship and social problems

QEC coaching sessions will be carried out over zoom. All our practicioners are trained by Dr Melanie Salmon herself. 


Our approach to mental health is holistic. Whatever you are dealing with, find support on our platform. Feel free to get
in touch with one of our certified specialists. We will support you in figuring out a path forward, together.

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